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The arraigo social is a very common way of obtaining legal residence in Spain for those who lack papers. There are different ways of obtaining residence permit through arraigo social depending if you have a job, family members, savings, your own business etc.
​Different types of arraigo.
To be able to apply to arraigo you need a job offer or a contract. That is the most common, however there are other options to be able to apply for arraigo even you didn't find a job offer.​
Apply using your own savings funds (at least 10.000€)
Apply by being the dependant of a first degree family member in Spain. Your dependant will need to have residence in Spain (papers) and to be working/or have savings to be able to take care of you.​
Apply by being a self employed (having a bussines plan for a future business or being a partner of an existing business already.
Click in one of the following options to know the steps and requirements of each.​​​
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