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Once you present your application to get your spanish nationality you will be excited to get the result as soon as possible. With the law in hand, the result should not take more than 1 year.​


In some cases however, still some applications take years to be answered and that is not a nice feeling specially when you know others who applied after you and now the already smile with their spanish DNI in the hand while you are still waiting.


How long it takes now to get the result?


Few years ago the application result generally took years (3-5 years was a normal timming.

Nowadays In our experience, most of Spanish Nationality applications are being solved in less than 1 year. Some takes 3 months some 10 but most are being solved before one year.


Can it take longer than 1 year?


Yes is not common but there are some applications that for some reason (Ministry forgets about your case, the person looking at the case is slow, they are using your expediente under a table to make it even because was moving etc..). In these cases we have seen that once it takes longer than 1 year the application can take 2-3 years to be solved.


In the example on the left side you can see that all applications from 2022 are already solved and approved but one is stuck still on process. That is the case when we consider important to appeal.


What can I do if my application takes too long?


If you have been waiting for over one year already there is a way to speed the result which is by making an appeal to the High National Court in Madrid who is in charge of defending citizens rights.


By making an appeal the court will request to the Ministry of Justice an explanation why your file is taking too long. The Ministry will then will be forced to look at your case withing 20 days and give an answer or solve your application.


What I need to start the appeal?


We need your NIE and your Reguardo of presentation.


 Where do I send this documents to you?


You can send by whatsapp or by email and 1-2 days we will appeal.


Is it Okay if I applied with another lawyer/by myself but do the appeal with MSM?


Yes that is totally okay. If you applied by yourself for the appeal in court you will need a lawyer.


Can I appeal with MSM from any part of Spain?


Yes we have jurisdicttion in all parts of Spain.


The reasons why some application takes longer vary but in most of cases the case gets stuck and kind of forgotten or else the agent of the Ministry of Justice in control of your case is very delated.


To our experience, once a case is taking over 1 year, it is very possible it will take 3-4 years to come out.

What can you do if you are the unluckly application that takes long? Appeal!


If you have been waiting for over one year already there is a way to speed the result which is by making an appeal to the High National Court in Madrid who is in charge of defending citizens rights.


By making an appeal the court will request to the Ministry of Justice an explanation why your file is taking too long. The Ministry will then will be forced to look at your case withing 20 days and they give you the result generally in 2-3 months after filling the appeal.


We can appeal for you!


That appeal needs to be done through a lawyer and you can make it through us that we are national licensed lawyers.


We can present your appeal even if you presented the application by yourself or if you presented it with another lawyer. We also have jurisdition in all parts of Spain.


How to start the appeal?


The process is quite simple. You will need to send us a copy of your NIE and the Resguardo of presenting the application by whatsapp or email and we will prepare the appeal in 1 or 2 days and present it in Madrid for you. We will inform of any updates.


If you’ve been waiting over 1 year is a good option to appeal to make sure to get your result in few monthS.

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