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European union citizens have the same rights as Spanish so that means what you will be able to study and work with no restrictions. 


You will just need to request a Social Security number to be able to start applying for jobs and working. If you do not have a Social Security number yet contact us and we will get it for you.



Students from non European Union countries can work also but there are some restrictions and some differences depending what they are studying.


 - - Students of university level courses - -  


University level students (or professional certificate courses) have the advantage that automatically their student permit comes with a working permit of up to 30 hours per week. 


You do not need to request anything as its given to you with your student visa. Once you come to Spain and you get your residence permit you will see that in the card says "autoriza a trabajar" so you will be able to study while working


The only thing that you will need to do is to obtain your Social Security number so the company will be able to hire you and register you. If you do not have a Social Security number yet contact us and we will get it for you.


The maximum hours that you can work is 30 hours per week and there is no limitation on the job nature which means that you can work in any job as long as doesn't affect your studies.


In some cases we have encounter that depending on the university (non oficial) the student visa comes with no working permit.


What happens at the end of my student visa?


If you are working and you plan to change your student visa to working permit, you can continue working (maximum 30 hours) until you get the result of your working visa in which you will be able to work 40 hours per week.


- - Students of non university level courses - - 


If you are not studying on university level (for example you are studying a language course) the bad news is that your student visa doesn't come with a working visa. When you see your working card you will read on the card that your student visa "no autoriza a trabajar"


The good news is that you can still be able to get a working visa and we explain you how. 


We have something called "compatibility of studies and work" in which once you have obtained your student visa if you find a job willing to hire you and offer you a contract you can request the working visa while you are studying.


So the main requirement is that you need to have a job offer willing to hire you. With no job offer is not possible to obtain a working while studying permit.


It is important that you depending on the length of your studies you try to do it as soon as possible. For example if your studies are 6 months long, there might not be enough time to request for a working visa if you do it when you are near the expiration of your NIE because the application process to get the working permit while studying can take few months to be aproved.


If you are studying for longer periode (12 months for example) then it is a good options and the advisable is that if you will be interested to work, as soon as you reach Spain start to contact companies/employers to apply for jobs and then be able to present the application. Once you get the result you will still have many months left to work before your student visa expires.


How many hours you will be able to work?


You will be able to work up to 30 hours per week. There is not minimum hours for the contract.


What kind of job offer do I need?


Any job will be allowed to process this permit and doesn’t need to be related to your studies. The important thing that the time of the job needs to be compatible with your studies. For example if you study in the mornings, your work needs to state clearly in the contract that you will work in the afternoon.


Documents needed:


For the applicant


  • Full Passport (all pages)

  • NIE

  • Work contract offer from the company

  • For specialized jobs, certificate that you can do that job

  • Evidences that you can study at the same time than working​


For the company


  • DNI or NIE of the owner/administrator

  • Poderes del administrador (if a company)

  • Declaración de IVA or Declaración de IRPF (if self employer owner)

  • Vida laboral de la empresa

  • Certificado de no deudas con la Seguridad Social.

  • Certificado de no deudas con Hacienda​


Can I have apply with more than one contract?


Unfortunatelly for this permit only one contract is allowed to present with the application.


When to present the application?


The application should be presented any time during the validity of your student permit.​


What permit will you get?


You will get a working permit during the validity of the student visa.


Can I work while my application is on process?


No. You will need to wait for the result before you can start working.


How long is the process?


Depends on the province that you live but generally the expected time is 1-3 month.


Can I change job once the permit is granted?


No. The permit is conected to the company so you can't work in another company/employer.


What happens at the end of my student visa?


The work permit will be cancelled and if you are planning to renew your student visa you will need to apply again for the compatibility.


If I changed my student visa to working visa can I continue working?​


No. The compatibility permit will be cancelled once your student visa is over.


Are there any government/police taxes in this process?


Yes, there are 3 taxes. For you the taxes fee is around 20€ and for your employer around 130€ (depeding on the time left on your visa).


Does it count for Spanish nationality time?


You are still considered a student so this time even you are working does not count for the time for spanish nationality.


How much is our process fee?


Depending on the province that you live but generally around 200€ + IVA.


What includes our services.


  • Advising you about the process.

  • Preparing the application and documents for you and the company.

  • Presenting and tracking your application.

  • Obtaining the result and preparing all for finger print.​​


How to pass my documents?


We work nationally so you can bring your documents to our office in Barcelona or send to us via email to or via whatsapp.​​​​


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